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Her hair was the color of flax and pulled back into plait with leaves of fall woven within. A voice that was not his own bellows from him as he declared, " I am the horned one, Hunter and provider. I have come to bring life back to the land." He moved to her like a cat pouncing upon prey. Reflexes took over as another force guided him into the Rite. He tore the garments of autumn colors from her body and reveled in the glory of the goddess standing naked before him. He moved, as a force of nature, unstoppable into her arms and pulled her close to him. Kissing fiercely and suckling on her neck. He fed on her as an addict would that which compelled him. The whole time Gaea mumbled the spells to which she knew not the words. Complacent in the feelings, yet her own passion growing as she was ravished. She felt figures gathering around the edges of the grove and knew that as her passion grew so did theirs'. He felt the power move within him as his hands slid down her body. When I did, I pushed my tongue deep inside and curled it this way and that. (Guys and girls, for those of you who haven’t had that little string of flesh underneath your tongue removed, do so as soon as you can… Your lovers will thank you for the rest of your days.) Teasing Julia’s pussy I pushed in really deep and pulled out to stretch back to her clit. I smiled against her pussy when I felt her legs weakening for a second. As much as I liked making love to her pussy with my tongue, I knew I had something else waiting for me. (In fact, I had more than one thing waiting, especially the goddess with the red bra, but that would be for later…) A mere inch higher than her pussy, Julia’s tight little asshole waited for me. Soft pink flesh, now unyielding and closed. I was determined to open it soon though, so I let my tongue and lips do the foreplay she’s been wanting and missing for so long. When the tip of my tongue grazed it, Julia moaned and pulled away for an instant. But I secured.
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